Pokemon Coastal Documentation - Guidetonote.com (2024)

Pokemon Coastal is a GBA ROM Hack and based on Pokemon Fire Red by RandomAce42. It’s made in the USA. You can explore the new region aka f*ckala Region, a series of islands to the far west recently discovered by the Pokemon League. It’s all Pokemon Gen 3 with a new story. Pokemon Coastal Documentation will contain most locations in the game including what pokemon can be caught in them and any major items such as HMs, EXP share, Held Items, etc. Things that you need to progress the game and things that might be helpful. Each location will be presented in the order you might visit them in a normal playthrough, and will point out story events. Some areas will be revisited. In that case the story section will point out why.. It’s updated to v1.5

Fishing and Surfing Pokemon

Across the region the Pokemon catchable in the water are generally the same. It will be noted when there is a difference. They are as follows:

5, 10Magikarp, FeebasOld Rod
15-31Remoraid, Luvdic, Barboach Good RodGood Rod
30-60Chinchou, Carvanha, Qwilfish, Goldeen, RelicanthSuper Rod
20-50Tentacool, Horsea, Corsola, Wailmer, MantineSurf

Global Rain and Thunder

There is a 10% chance of rain and a 2% chance for that rain to be a thunder storm whenever
you cross map borders. That is into/out of cities and routes, entering exiting houses and caves,
etc. The only place where the chance is higher is Seafoam Town where it’s a 50% chance of
rain where 40% of that has a chance for thunder storms.

Gym Levels

The Gym Levels are as shown in the table.: The Elite Four have pokemon that range into the 90s and the Champion has a full level 100 team. Each Gym is dual typed. That means that the Gym Leaders specialize in two types instead of the normal one type Gyms seen in other regions.



So, I made Feebas evolve using a Water Stone due to a suggestion by a commenter on Reddit!
I realized that I had included the Pokemon but there was no way to evolve it because of the
unique way Feebas evolves in these early games. So, now it only evolves by Water Stone.

Trade Evolutions?

As of 1.5 you can get Trade Evolutions by using the Link Cable item like an evolutionary stone.
This item can be bought at the Pokemon League Store in Seafoam City for 1500poke. If you run
across a pokemon that the cable should work on but doesn’t, please report it to me on the
Pokecommunity page or on reddit(u/ConsiderationIcy5935). Before you do though please
double check that the pokemon is actually a trade evo and that it isn’t from a future generation.
Pokemon Coastal only supports Pokemon from generation 3 and back.

Exp Share

One of the most common questions I get is if the EXP Share is in the game. Yes it is, but with
two caveats. It isn’t available until after the 5th gym, when you get surf and it’s the Old Exp
Share. For those of you that are uninformed that means that it’s a Held Item that can only
benefit one Pokemon at a time. You give it to the Pokemon that you want to earn the Exp and it
splits the spoils of battle with the Pokemon that participated.

The Lucky Egg is also available in the game and before the second Gym as well. The Lucky
Egg is a held item that increases the Exp that Pokemon earns in battle. Pretty good for grinding
up when you need to or just for giving some of your low levels better training.

New Shore Town

The starting town in the f*ckala Region!
Before you are allowed to leave you must go to Professor Oak’s lab and collect your Starter
Starter Pokemon:

  • Bulbasaur
  • Totodile
  • Torchic

The Town Map is also available here in your Rival’s House by talking to his sister!

Route 1 – South

This is the southern most part of Route 1. To the west is Wave Break Town and to the North is
Seabreeze Town. South is New Shore Town. Shell Bell can be acquired on the south beach on this route.

Side Note: In 1.5 major changes occurred to this route to fix a softlock that occurred because of
3 maps that connected on the same border. Also, the pokemon variety was increased.

Available Pokemon:

2-4Wingull, WhismurGrass
4-5Wingull, Whismur, Tanglea, OddishGrass
5-6Pichu, ExeggcuteGrass
6-7Aipom, DunsparceGrass
5-6Azurill, Farfetch’dGrass

Route 1 – North

This is the north part of Route 1. North to Seabreeze town!

2-6Wingul, Whismur, KrabbyGrass
4-8Pichu, ExeggcuteGrass

HM Flash is available on the right side of the mountain. You can get there by going south from
the east side of Seabreeze Town or surfing around the island.

Wave Break Town

This is Wave Break Town! It contains the newly built Pokemon School!
Oak’s Parcel is available in the Mart. The Mart won’t sell until after you deliver it to Professor
Oak in New Shore town.
The Old Rod is available from the fisherman in the Northern most house.
The cave entrance leads to Dripstone Cave, It’s a good place for grinding and catching
powerful Pokemon before the first Gym. Although, it is dark in there so be careful not to get lost!

Seabreeze Town

Seabreeze Town is the home of the first Gym and the Pokemon League HQ.
HM Flash is available by going south into Route 1 from the east side of town.

Dripstone Cave – Part 1

Dripstone Cave is dark so HM Flash may be needed to navigate it’s confusing layout. There are several good items in this portion of the cave that can be found by exploring it’s many layers, including a Mystic Water. The Exit to Dripstone Cave – Part 2 is over the bridge and out an exit to the east.

5-10MagikarpOld Rod
20-35Whiscash, Qwilfish, RelicanthGood Rod
35-50Remoraid, Qwilfish, RelicanthSuper Rod

Dripstone Cave – Part 2

This part of the cave exits to Route 2 in the south east section.

The Lucky Egg is available in the north east section of this cave just across the bridge and the Exp Share is available just to the south of that across the water.

5-10MagikarpOld Rod
20-35Whiscash, Qwilfish, RelicanthGood Rod
35-50Remoraid, Qwilfish, RelicanthSuper Rod

Route 2

There is no going back into Dripstone Cave once you jump the ridge in this route so make sure you are ready to move on to the next part before you do so. There is a Pokemon Center to help heal you because the next town is still a little ways away.

I guess you could go back by not hitting the Pokemon Center and whiting out, but you would have to go back through the cave again to get back here.

There is a Miracle Seed on the second ledge to the right. If you jump off the first ledge on another side you will have to come back around through Dripstone Cave to get it.

There is also a tutor here who teaches the move Swords Dance. They only do this once so be sure you teach it to a pokemon you know you want to have it.

11-15Ledyba, TeddiursaGrass

Route 2 exits to Mau Forest in the south east.

Mau Forest

Mau Forest is a large and dark forested area. It exits to the west into Route 3 and continues to the south. Mau forest contains a shrine to Celebi near the Route 3 exit.

11-16Ledyba, SpinarakGrass
12-17Paras, NincadaGrass
14-18Pineco, VenonatGrass
17-20Scyther, HeracrossGrass
5-35Poliwag, Slowpoke, MarillSurfing
5-15MagikarpOld Rod
10-22Goldeen, RemoraidGood Rod
11-24Goldeen, Remoraid, Barboach, LuvdiscSuper Rod

Mau Forest – South

This small section just leads up to the Mau Forest Gatherer who sells forest goods such as mushrooms, leaf stones, and berries.

12-17Ledyba, Spinarak, Paras, NincadaGrass
15-18Chikorita, TreeckoGrass
5-35Poliwag, Slowpoke, MarillSurfing
5-15MagikarpOld Rod
10-22Goldeen, RemoraidGood Rod
11-24Goldeen, Remoraid, Barboach, LuvdiscSuper Rod

Route 3

This map leads west from Mau Forest to Zolopolis City.

11-16Teddiursa, MankeyGrass
12-17Meditite, TaillowGrass
14-18Ledyba, SpinarakGrass
17-20Girafarig, JigglypuffGrass
5-35Wooper, Psyduck, Azumarill, GoldeenSurfing
5-10MagikarpOld Rod
5-10Poliwag, Goldeen, FeebasGood Rod
5-10Poliwag, Goldeen, BarboachSuper Rod

Zolopolis City

You can get HM01 Cut from the Wood Cutter’s house. That’s the one with the green roof. East to Route 3 and Mau Forest. South to Route 4.

5-35Wooper, Psyduck, Azumarill, GoldeenSurf
5-10MagikarpOld Rod
15-25Poliwag, Goldeen, FeebasGood Rod
25-35Poliwag, Goldeen, BarboachSuper Rod

Route 4

Route 4 contains a variety of items and trainers to battle so is worth exploring thoroughly. The only thing I’ll note here is that the snorlax on the south west shore can’t be woken up or caught as it belongs to the girl who is standing right next to it.

North path leads to Zolopolis City, east path leads to Seafoam Town. Cut is required to take the path to Seafoam.

12-16Psyduck, SlowpokeGrass
14-18Krabby, CorphishGrass

Seafoam Town

The rainy town, Seafoam City. Here in this town there is a much higher chance for Rain and Thunder to appear.

The Green Roofed Building is the Pokemon League Store. Inside they sell a collection of held items along with Vitamins for training your Pokemon.

The man under the little tent next to that sells Fire, Water, and Thunder stones for evolving your Pokemon!

The Good Rod is available from a fisherman standing on the South Beach.

Icefall Cave is behind the Gym, but requires that you beat the Gym Leader before you can access it.

Icefall Cave

Icefall Cave is a relatively short cave that has HM04 Fly at the end. Coming back here after getting Surf will give you access to some items that you may not have been able to reach before.

Story – Return to New Shore Town

After you get Fly your rival will come up to you in the cave and warn you that Oak’s Lab is under attack. Return to the lab in New Shore Town by using Fly to get there. If you don’t have a Pokemon that can learn Fly, Wingull is available to catch in Route 4.

After the event at the Lab, Oak gives you a ticket in order to catch a boat ride to the next island. Bring this ticket to the fisherman in Wave Break Town. His house is just east of Dripstone Cave Entrance. The Fisherman also gives you HM03 Surf.

24-38Zubat, SnoruntGrass
25-40Psyduck, SlowpokeGrass
35-40Seel, Psyduck, Dewgong, Lapras, ShellderSurfing
5MagikarpOld Rod
5-15Shellder, Dewgong, SphealGood Rod
25-35Staryu, Horsea, Gyarados, Clampearl, RelicanthSuper Rod

Rocky Heights

This town is where the Wave Break Fisherman takes you after giving him the ticket. It is mostly a utility town and contains the Name Rater, Move Deleter, and Move Relearner. This town also has the Pokemon Daycare. West to Route 5.

As of 1.5 the Daycare is untested. Save before using and use at your own risk.

Route 5

Route 5 leads west to Nanowatt City and north to Venopolis City. It also contains a Inconspicuous Beach House, but that isn’t important right now.

34-37Krabby, Mareep, Electrike, SnubbullGrass
35Illumise, VolbeatGrass
35-40Snorlax, HoundourGrass
38-40Electabuzz, ScytherGrass

Nanowatt City

Nanowatt City contains the 4th Gym as well as a Casino. The Super Rod can be obtained here by talking to the fisherman at the Diner. The Bike Voucher can be obtained in the Hotel.

Route 6

Route 6 leads north to Venopolis City, south to Route 5.

38Meowth, DrowzeeGrass
39-42Skitty, Tyrougue, Miltank, GulpinGrass
39-45Grimer, koffingGrass
40-48Seviper, RoseliaGrass
20-40Qwilfish, Surskit, Lotad, PsyduckSurfing
5MagikarpOld Rod
15-25Poliwag, Goldeen, MagikarpGood Rod
25-35Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Gyarados, PsyduckSuper Rod

Venopolis City

Venopolis city is the largest city in the f*ckala Region and is home to two large sky scrapers, east and west tower. It is also home to the 5th Gym.

The Sage of Wisdom lives in the upper right most house. If you listen to his story he will give you your choice between an Altaria and a Gardevoir.

Beating this Gym Leader also allows you to use Surf outside of battle.

Story – Inconspicuous Beach House

After defeating the 5th Gym your rival will approach you and tell you of a Team Rocket Hideout on Route 5. This is the Inconspicuous Beach House that you passed earlier. Go there and make your way to the bottom to defeat the hide out’s boss. Checking the computer’s there may reveal more about Team Rocket’s plans. After defeating the Rocket Admin, your rival appears again and urges you to travel the sea route west of Nanowatt City in order to get to Steel Dragon City where Team Rocket has set up base.

Sea Route 1

Sea Route 1 has the Shrine Cave. At this moment that can be safely ignored. The very south west portion has a cave entrance that connects to the Dripstone Caves.

Route 7

Route 7 is a marsh land going to the south west towards Steel Dragon City. In Mary’s Marsh House the players can receive HM07 Waterfall if they give her a Big Mushroom. In the part right before Steel Dragon City there is a path leading North to the Tor Cannon.

42-44Lombre, QuagsireGrass
44-46Bellsprout, Tanglea, Lombre, QuagsireGrass
44-50Weepinbell, Politoed, Gulpin, LudicoloGrass
15-18Squirtle, MudkipGrass

Steel Dragon City

Home to the sixth gym and an abandoned factory. The Gym will be blocked off until you defeat the Rocket Admin in the Abandoned Factory. While you are inside you will want to find the Gold Teeth item. HM04 Strength is available in this town by returning the Gold Teeth to the old man in the long house near the south side of town. A Happiness Rater is available to the player in this town. It is the house with the pond in it’s backyard.

45-55Rattata, Poochyena, Meowth, Pidgey, Grimer, Ditto, PorygonGrass

Tor Cannon

This is the Tor Cannon, a canyon that leads north to an abandoned ghost town.

45-47Spearow, CuboneGrass
47-50Rhyhorn, Gligar, Phanpy, SpoinkGrass
51-55Natu, SandshrewGrass
53-57Cacnea, SkarmoryGrass
55-65Sableye, BagonGrass

Ghost Town

This abandoned Ghost town only has one resident, and that is the Gym Leader. That means the Pokemon Center is out of operation.

The Silph Scope is available in the top right house.

50-55Abra, Murkrow, Natu, ChimechoGrass
50-60Haunter, Lunatone, SolrockGrass
55-70Shuppet, GengarGrass

Story – The Shrine Cave

Upon exiting the Tomb of Endings after defeating the Gym Leader the rival will approach you and say that Izaiah has been found. He will direct you to go to the shrine cave on Sea Route 1 west of Nanowatt City. It’s a small island and easy to miss. While in the shrine don’t forget to pick up the Blue Orb from the center column. After the events there you will be directed to Blaze Town, to the west of New Shore Town.

The Blaze Keys

The Blaze Keys are a group of islands to the west of New Shore Town and east of Blaze Town. Each island has trainers or items. One island has a cave that connects to the Dripstone Caves. An NPC in that section of the Dripstone Caves has the Item Finder

Blaze Town

This town is home to the eight gym. Or would be if the islanders had let them build one. There is an old mansion here as well as a science institute. Fossils can be revived at the science institute. Healing in Blaze Town costs 1,000p per heal. This is because the “Island Chief” does not want support from the Pokemon League, who provide free healthcare to all. East to the Blaze Keys and west to Route 8.

Route 8

Route 8 is a red mountain route and leads west towards the Ember Depths.

45-55Sandshrew, SlugmaGrass
11-15Charmander, CyndaquilGrass

Story – After Defeating Izaiah/End Game

After Defeating Izaiah you are free to explore f*ckala to your hearts content until you decide it’s time to take on the Elite Four and Champion. At this point all three legendaries can be found. When you decide it’s time to take on Victory Road than you will want to head to Seabreeze Town.

The fancy building in the top right is the Pokemon League HQ. There you can challenge each of the Gym Leaders to a rematch. Their teams consist of level 90 pokemon except for 1 level 95. You can battle them as many times as you’d like but must finish them all off for them to reset. This can be pretty good for grinding money and exp if you get good at it.

When you are ready for Victory Road you can head up the stairs on the right and talk to the captain. He will take you to Victory Road by boat. Be careful because if you don’t have a Pokemon who knows fly then there is no going back. Also notable, even after reaching the Pokemon League, if you exit into f*ckala again than you will have to go back through Victory Road again. There is no flying to the League Building.

Victory Road Encounters

55-70Fearow, Skarmory, Rapidash, DonphanGrass
60-70Primeape, SeviperGrass
55-70Salamence, MetagrossGrass

Post Game?

Work on a Post Game has technically started. Whether I will actually finish it or not is another story. I’ve got some stuff going on where I can’t put nearly as much attention on the game as I could before. That is okay though, as I am really happy with the current state of the game. If a Post Game is ever created for Pokemon Coastal, you’ll most easily be able to tell by the Version number going from 1.X to V2. As for extra content, you can find and defeat the sages as well as the three legendary pokemon that are hiding in the region. Also, some people have asked me if Lugia is obtainable, but it is not currently one of the catchable legends. This is because the Champion uses Lugia on his team in certain situations and it’d be weird lore wise for him to have it after you’ve already caught it. This may or may not be something I add in a potential post game. We will see.


Here is the end of Pokemon Coastal Documentation article. If you want to find more cheat codes, documentations, you can find more at All Posts.

Pokemon Coastal Documentation - Guidetonote.com (2024)
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