Videos and Images of the Best Features in Tesla’s 2023 Holiday Update (2023.44.30.4) (2024)

By Not a Tesla App Staff

Videos and Images of the Best Features in Tesla’s 2023 Holiday Update (2023.44.30.4) (6)

Tesla's holiday update is going out to the entire fleet

Not a Tesla App

Tesla’s 2023 holiday update has rolled out to about half of Tesla’s fleet and if you haven’t received it yet, then you’ll likely receive it in the next couple of days.

While not every vehicle will get every feature, in this article we’ll run through images and video of the biggest features packed into this update.

Alternate Routes

Tesla released alternate routes in 2022, which lets you view two to three routes to your destination at the start of your trip.

Now they're enhancing the feature by letting you view alternate routes at any point.

Unlike Google Maps, Tesla doesn't show how each turn can affect your time of arrival. Instead, you can tap the next turn button at the top of the navigation display to display alternate routes from your current location.

The map will zoom out and display up to three routes from your current location to your destination. You can either continue with your current route, which is selected in blue or pick an alternate route to continue on your way.

Park Assist Upgrade

We've already seen a few videos demonstrating the most exciting feature of the holiday update, the new high-fidelity park assist.

Not only does the new park assist reconstruct your surroundings in 3D on the display - letting you pan and zoom in on them on the display, but it also displays parking spot lines, making it easier to center and park your vehicle. In addition, your vehicle now displays reverse target lines when backing up, similar to what is shown on the reverse camera screen.

Funny how owners of cars with ultrasonics were boasting that theirs were better than vision-only Teslas, and today, they are praying to whiskey for the software update that deemed vision-only Teslas decisively better than USS cars. That, is Tesla.

— Yaman Tasdivar (@ValueAnalyst1) December 17, 2023

Apple Podcasts

Apple Podcasts, the default app on iPhones to listen to podcasts has now been added to your Tesla. Using this new app doesn't require an Apple Music subscription, however, it does require you to have an Apple account. Non-Apple users can create an Apple account and sign in, as an iPhone is not required.

If you do already use the Apple Podcasts app on your iPhone then it will automatically load your settings, the podcasts you subscribe to, and even your progress of episode.

If you're a fan of podcasts, you may want to consider using it since it may be the easiest way to keep tabs on your favorite podcasts and easily resume any episode during a future drive.

Controller Rumble Support & Game Updates

I don't see a lot of people talking about the Tesla Arcade Updates feature. Maybe it gets lost in the shuffle, but Tesla has now addedrumble supportfor PS4, PS5 and Xbox controllers in select games.

In addition to that, several Tesla Arcade games have received some significant upgrades, including Beach Buggy Racing, which now lets you drive with the Cybertruck, among a list of other Teslas.

There are also updates to Polytopia and Vampire Survivors, as well as the addition of Castle Doombad. The last two require an infotainment system powered with the Ryzen chip (MCU 3).

I didn’t notice the new font size. Too busy with Beach Buggy Racing 2!

— Norm! 🇨🇦 (@TankyBashem) December 17, 2023

Speed Cameras and Traffic Light icons

Tesla is catching up to the likes of Apple and Google Maps by adding the ability to view traffic lights and stop signs on the map. Technically traffic lights were already there, but you had to zoom in extremely close to be able to see them. However, Tesla isn't stopping there.

Various types of speed cameras are now also displayed on the map, but similar to stop signs and traffic lights, they'll only be displayed along your vehicle's route, so you'll need to have a destination set.

This new feature does require a subscription to Tesla’s premium connectivity package, which leads us to believe that Tesla is sourcing this data from an existing provider.

Videos and Images of the Best Features in Tesla’s 2023 Holiday Update (2023.44.30.4) (7)

You can now view stop signs, traffic lights and speed camera locations along your route

DirtyTesla / TeslaRedThunder

More Cameras in your app

You can now view additional live cameras from the Tesla app. In fact, with this update, you can now practically view any camera. The only cameras not accessible are the alternative front-facing cameras such as the narrow beam and the wide angle lens, however, those would be of limited value.

With this update, you can view the B-pillar cameras in addition to the fender (repeater) cameras.

Keep in mind that this addition is only for the live view feature from the Tesla app. Sentry Mode and the Dashcam feature will not record these additional camera views.

Multiple Light Shows on a Single USB Drive

In the 2023 holiday update, Tesla continues to refine and update its Light Show feature. The Light Show feature started exclusively for the Model X as an easter egg, and it wasn't customizable, although it was a crowd-attracting feature as the Model X flapped its falcon-wing doors up and down to the sound of music.

Last year, Tesla added the Light Show to all their vehicles and allowed owners to create their own shows. However, if you wanted to experiment with multiple light shows, you'd quickly frown at the process that had you unpluging your USB drive, replacing the light show with a new one, and plugging it back into your vehicle.

Thankfully, with this update you can now load multiple light shows onto a single USB drive and then select your preferred light show from a menu in the car.

To do so, simply create a folder named "LightShow" and add your individual light shows to this directory.

Automatic Blind Spot

Automatic Blind Spot is another enhancement to some of Tesla's existing features. If you use the blind spot camera feed, the side of the camera feed will be shaded red, bringing more attention that a vehicle is in your blind spot.

Videos and Images of the Best Features in Tesla’s 2023 Holiday Update (2023.44.30.4) (8)

Tesla's updated blind spot monitor


Custom Lock Sounds

This addition adds the ability to change your vehicle's lock sound from the standard horn to any custom sound. To accomplish this, the car plays a sound through its external speaker which is normally used for the pedestrian warning system, which is normally used to play a light sound when your vehicle is traveling at low speeds.

You can pick from one of the preset lock sounds or upload your own to the car's external USB drive that's usually located in the glove box. You can use the same USB drive that you already use for Sentry Mode or the Dashcam.

You'll need to find or download a sound file in Wave (.wav) format and name it "LockChime.wav". Simply add it to the root (top level) directory of the USB drive.

With the @Tesla Holiday Update rollout in full swing, one of the fun features is the ability to set custom lock sounds. Have you already thought about what custom lock sounds you are going to pick? Here is my choice which I think shows my age a bit haha 😅 🔒🔉

— Dan Burkland (@DBurkland) December 17, 2023

Although this year's holiday update may not be as exciting as some previous updates that overhauled the user interface, it still brings several enhancements that will be useful in day-to-day driving.

Park Assist will continue to improve and will roll out additional vehicles in the future. We also expect Tesla to continue to develop the feature and use it for future visualizations and to support Summon and AutoPark for vehicles without ultrasonic sensors in the future.


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By Karan Singh

Videos and Images of the Best Features in Tesla’s 2023 Holiday Update (2023.44.30.4) (17)

Not a Tesla App

Elon Musk has confirmed on X that Actually Smart Summon, will be going to wide release next week. Let’s take a look at what that means in the context of Tesla updates – because we know for sure it won’t be on every single vehicle next week.

Actually Smart Summon

The new feature set of Actually Smart Summon is fairly broad, and it's a feature that many have been waiting a long time for. So far, it's been completely unavailable on vehicles without ultrasonic sensors (USS) and has been more of a party trick on older vehicles that did have the sensors. It was pretty much only safely usable in straight lines and with direct supervision.

This updated version of Smart Summon uses Tesla Vision – just like AutoPark, to accomplish the task in a faster and safer manner. You’ll be able to summon your vehicle from its parking spot to another location or have it come directly to you.

Wide Release

Wide release will include hardware 3 and AI4 vehicles alike – as some early access HW3 testers have already received update 2024.27.20 with FSD 12.5.3 and Actually Smart Summon. As a reminder, in order to be able to use Actually Smart Summon, you’ll need to be subscribed to or own FSD and be in North America at this time. It’ll eventually be available to users with Enhanced Autopilot, when FSD 12.5 and Actually Smart Summon become part of the regular feature releases.

This wide release will come in gradual, small waves at first. These small waves serve as a test pool for Tesla to ensure that the update is safe to install on a wider pool of vehicles. After that, it’ll go out in larger waves. Once large waves start getting pushed out, it takes approximately a week for most users to receive the update.

Expect Tesla to start rolling out update 2024.27.20 with Actually Smart Summon next week, and if everything goes well, waves will continuously get larger and most users will have it about a week later. Unfortunately, if there are issues found with Summon or FSD 12.5.3, there will be a delay while Tesla issues a patch.

Other Regions

This release is only going out to North America for the time being – as it is only available on the primary FSD release branch. Eventually, it will be released to users with EAP in North America, as well as other regions.

This will happen when Tesla bundles FSD V12.5 with its feature updates, which will likely happen later this year. At the moment, Tesla is still bundling FSD V12.3.6 with its newest feature release update, 2024.32. So for those waiting for vision-based Actually Smart Summon in other regions, you’ll likely be waiting at least a month before it hits the regular feature branch.

We’re still waiting for Park Seek and Banish Autopark, but seeing Actually Smart Summon finally show up, including for hardware 3 vehicles is exciting. September is going to be a month filled with good Tesla news, including the Cybertruck getting FSD and all the other news that Tesla announced for September.

By Karan Singh

Videos and Images of the Best Features in Tesla’s 2023 Holiday Update (2023.44.30.4) (26)

Not a Tesla App

In response to the many questions the Tesla AI team receives daily, they’ve finally caved in and shared their FSD release roadmap. Release Roadmap. This roadmap outlines the upcoming feature improvements and plans for FSD in the short term, up to about Q1 2025.

We expect this roadmap to be more accurate than some of the timelines we’ve heard from Elon in the past for FSD releases, as it's something that the entire team has presumably had some input in.

Let’s take a look at what we’ve got coming up soon!

September 2024

September looks to be full of improvements for FSD V12.5, and some of them are quite exciting. First off Tesla outlines the improvements that are available with FSD v12.5.2, which recently started going out to HW3 and HW4 vehicles.

FSD 12.5.2 & Reduced Interventions - Tesla says that FSD 12.5.2 brings a 3x improvement between necessary interventions. That will be a great improvement, especially as users on FSD have noted several major issues with the path planner, including braking on green lights and path-planning to the opposite side of traffic.

Larger FSD Model for HW3 - Another big September item is that v12.5.2 is confirmed to be a unified FSD model. The same AI model that powers FSD 12.5 on AI4 is now being shared with the less powerful hardware 3. HW3 was previously running a smaller FSD model that was less intensive, although we were told they would soon run the same model.

This is definitely great news, as v12.5.1 has a different model for HW3 and AI4. We expect HW3 to see a performance boost in capabilities with the newer model. Tesla releasing a unified model shows their commitment to continue developing and supporting older hardware, so we’re happy to see this. If you’re not sure which FSD hardware you have, you can check here.

Actually Smart Summon - The improved Summon was released to early access testers already, (including on HW3), but it’s also on the list for September for a wider release. The feature isn’t available on FSD v12.5.2, but it is on v12.5.3.

Cybertruck Autopark - The Cybertruck which recently received High-Fidelity Park Assist, will be receiving AutoPark this weekend. Later this month Tesla says it will also receive full FSD support. Some Cybertruck owners have been waiting close to a year waiting for FSD capabilities, but with four-wheel steering, steer-by-wire, and cameras in slightly different locations, it’s not surprising it’s taken longer to implement. The Cybertruck is Tesla’s only vehicle with a front bumper camera, so it’ll be interesting to see if Tesla will leverage this camera for FSD in addition to the vehicle’s other 8 cameras.

Vision-Monitoring With Sunglasses - One of Tesla’s latest features, eye tracking, replaces the previous steering wheel torque detection. Tesla confirms that they’ll add support for vision monitoring with sunglasses in September. This feature isn’t available in FSD 12.5.3, so it could be a part of FSD 12.5.4 or FSD 12.6. Newer Tesla vehicles feature infra-red lights near the cabin camera which allows the camera to see at night. It’s not clear whether Tesla will leverage IR lights to help see-through sunglasses or what kind of sunglasses will be allowed.

End-to-end on the Highway - Tesla says they’ll also support end-to-end FSD for highway driving, which should be a huge improvement – as highways are still running the FSD v11 stack. End-to-end allows for AI to control the vehicle’s output like acceleration and steering instead of just input from cameras. When E2E was implemented for city-driving it was a huge boost, and we expect to see similar improvements for highway driving.

End-to-end for highway driving will only be included on the latest FSD versions for now, but at some point we expect the same end-to-end highway support to trickle down to regular Autopilot highway use, even outside of North America. The vehicle may not be more capable, but what it’s allowed to do in other regions will be smoother.

October 2024

Tesla AI seems to be focusing on Unpark, Park, and Reverse in FSD for October 2024. This appears to have been a milestone for a while now which we’re associating with Tesla’s previous comments on Park Seek and Banish Autopark. These two features allow the vehicle to drive around a parking lot by itself, find a parking spot, and finally park itself. These functions are necessary for Robotaxi to function, and with the Robotaxi event taking place in October, it’s a good fit that these features are also coming along for the ride — at least in an internal beta the Robotaxi will be running.

Unpark - Tesla mentions “unpark,” which sounds very much like Actually Smart Summon — essentially having the vehicle remove itself from a parking spot and start driving. These capabilities appear to be coming to FSD. You'll be able to start FSD from a parked position and the vehicle will back up and exit the parking spot before it starts driving to your destination.

Park - “Park,” could see some improvements over what is available today. Right now Tesla’s new AutoPark feature is only capable of backing a vehicle into a parking spot, which actually isn’t allowed in some areas. With improvements to Park, we could see the ability for the vehicle to go nose-in into parking spots or maybe support angled parking spaces.

Parking in FSD is a feature we’ve also been waiting for. Eventually, the car should be able to navigate to a parking lot, cruise around until it finds a parking stall, and then AutoPark should be initiated. Musk said this was coming to FSD back in May, so it seems like we may finally be close. You could see the pieces coming together where Actually Smart Summon can now traverse parking lots and Autopark can park itself. It’s just a matter of piecing these together.

Banish AutoPark is expected to be an upgrade to the current Autopark feature – where the vehicle drops you off near the entrance to your destination and then finds a parking stall autonomously, and parks itself entirely without user intervention. This is one feature we’re super excited about and is pretty much the opposite of Actually Smart Summon.

Reverse in FSD - Reversing capability for FSD will be huge. It’ll allow the vehicle to perform much more complex turns and even back up when it has gone too far into an intersection. Currently, FSD cannot shift into reverse, but users have already noticed that the path planner is capable of thinking about switching to reverse but is unable to. Reverse may already be part of the FSD model, but Tesla has a strict rule that doesn’t allow the vehicle to be put into reverse.

The ability for the vehicle to go in reverse will be critical to get the vehicle moving in and out of parking lots, as well as making tight three-point turns, so we’re excited to see what this will enable FSD to do.

FSD V13 - The final item Tesla lists for FSD in October is FSD v13. Tesla says v13 will bring a 6x improvement in miles between necessary interventions. That’s a huge leap, but we’ve heard similar numbers in the past that didn’t come to fruition, so we’ll have to wait and see. Tesla doesn’t release a major FSD version without large architectural improvements, so we do expect major improvements in capabilities or interventions — or both.

Q1 2025 - FSD Outside of North America

To go along with all the FSD improvements, Tesla also announced its FSD expansion plans and timelines. Tesla specifically outlined that they expect to launch FSD in Europe and China in Q1 of 2025. However, Tesla did say that this is pending regulatory approval. If Tesla has FSD ready for these markets, they should be able to launch at least portions of it in some countries.

This is definitely a slip from Tesla’s original release plan of EOY 2024 for FSD in Europe and China, but it's still a good sign to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We recently found out that the FSD test for China was put on hold, which could explain some of the delays.

Q2 2025 - FSD for Right Hand Drive

This time frame seems a bit more flexible following a comment from Elon on the post, but it seems that right-hand drive markets will take a bit longer than the team initially expected. Musk followed up saying that RHD markets will arrive in late Q1/Q2, pending approval.

The Tesla AI team has been hard at work getting FSD prepared for RHD markets, while other parts of Tesla have been working closely with national and regional governments to get approval for FSD.

Overall, this roadmap looks fantastic, and we’re happy to see Tesla AI providing this information to reduce speculation and help provide real timelines to Tesla owners. This is a super-packed release roadmap, and all the upcoming features and updates are going to be coming in back-to-back until the end of this year, with more around the corner next year!

Videos and Images of the Best Features in Tesla’s 2023 Holiday Update (2023.44.30.4) (2024)
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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