Sutton Bank (OH) - Online Banking API & Data Solutions | Plaid (2024)

1http code 200


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107 ...

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297 ...

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402 "date_last_updated": "2018-04-12T03:32:10Z",

403 "institution_id": "ins_109511",

404 "institution_name": "Tartan Bank",

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416 }

417 },

418 "request_id": "pdwYD",

419 "warnings": []



Sutton Bank (OH) - Online Banking API & Data Solutions | Plaid (2024)


Does Cash App use Sutton Bank? ›

Banking services are provided by Cash App's bank partner(s). Prepaid debit cards issued by Sutton Bank.

How do I get my money out of Sutton Bank? ›

You may access your account(s) by ATM using your Sutton Bank Check Card or Sutton Bank ATM Card and personal identification number (PIN) to make deposits, get cash from your account(s), transfer funds between your accounts, or make balance inquiries on your account(s).

Why is Plaid saying my credentials are wrong? ›

If you see this error message, there can be a few things affecting the login credentials you've entered. Typos. They happen - even to the best of us! Maybe you're using a new keyboard or your finger slipped; first and foremost, try again and give it another go.

Is Sutton Bank reputable? ›

It is also the 523rd largest bank in the nation. It was established in 1878 and as of December of 2023, it had grown to 187 employees at 9 locations. Sutton Bank has an A health rating.

How do I check my Sutton Bank Cash App balance? ›

You can view your Cash App balance in-app or online at To view your balance in Cash App: Sign into the app. You'll see your available funds listed in the Money tab at the bottom left of your Cash App home screen.

How do I check my Sutton Bank balance? ›

You can check your Sutton Bank debit card balance via online or mobile banking, or at the ATM. Sutton Bank debit card holders have access to the Brella app, which they can download and use to view balance information for a debit card's primary account.

How long does it take Sutton Bank to release funds? ›

Depending on the type of check that you deposit, funds may not be available until the second business day after the Page 2 day of your deposit. The first $200 of your deposits, however, may be available on the first business day after the day of your deposit.

How much can you withdraw from Sutton Bank in a day? ›


We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to limit the amount, number or type of transactions you can make on your Card and any funding or reload of your Card. You may only withdraw up to $500 from an ATM in a single day. You may only withdraw up to $5000 from an ATM per month.

What is Sutton Bank deposit limit? ›

Deposits/transfers Up to $15,000 within a 30-day period. Please note this limit applies to the amount you can deposit or transfer into your Albert Cash Account, between Services, and external accounts. The maximum amount on your card is $20,000.

Should I let Plaid access my bank account? ›

Is Plaid safe to link to your bank? Yes, in general using Plaid for banking is safe. Plaid follows strict security protocols to ensure sensitive data stays out of the hands of fraudsters. On top of that, for consumers, Plaid allows you to view and control exactly what data they've shared.

Why isn't it letting me log into my online banking? ›

Please ensure you are using an up to date and fully supported browser to use Online Banking. Make sure you have cleared temporary internet files and cookies and your browser has extensions and add-ons disabled. If needed, also try restarting your device and router, and try a wired connection.

What bank is connected to Sutton Bank? ›

Cash App outsources basic banking functions to two FDIC-insured partner banks, Sutton Bank and Lincoln Savings Bank. Sutton Bank Cash App provides Prepaid Debit Card (Cash Card) related services and is by far the more visible bank partner.

Is Sutton a real bank? ›

Sutton Bank provides banking services. The Bank offers savings and checking accounts, loans, credit cards, cash management, deposits, financial planning, and online and mobile banking services. Sutton Bank serves customers in the State of Ohio.

Is Sutton Bank an online bank? ›

Online Banking

Manage a number of banking activities anytime, anywhere with internet access: Access eStatements. View account balances and history. Transfer funds between accounts (one-time and recurring transfers)

Which bank does Cash App use? ›

Cash App is a financial platform providing services through its bank partners, Lincoln Savings Bank and Sutton Bank. It also offers investing services through Cash App Investing LLC, which is a registered broker-dealer and a Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) member.

Why does my Cash App say Sutton Bank? ›

Sutton bank is the bank that issues the Cash App debit card. The balance should be reflected in your Cash App balance. Sutton bank is the bank that issues the Cash App debit card.

What bank runs Cash App? ›

However, Cash App does offer basic financial services through two FDIC-insured bank partners: Sutton Bank and Wells Bank. Sutton Bank administers the Cash Card. Wells Fargo Bank handles direct deposits from external payers. So while Cash App is not itself a bank, it couldn't function properly without its bank partners.

What bank is Cash App on plaid? ›

Cash App uses Lincoln Savings Bank as its main bank to connect with Plaid. When you sign up for some products with Cash App, the services you're provided will come via Lincoln Savings Bank, an FDIC insured institution⁴.

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Article information

Author: Dan Stracke

Last Updated:

Views: 6517

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (43 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.