eu green deal industrial plan (2024)

  • Green Deal - Der Weg zu einer klimaneutralen EUNews, Government 4 Jun

    Die EU will grüner werden. Bis 2050 will Europa der erste klimaneutrale Kontinent sein, so steht es im "Green Deal". Welche Maßnahmen sind dafür notwendig, wie kann jeder von uns etwas für mehr Nachhaltigkeit im Alltag tun? Wie bewerten Experten und Wissenschaftler die Pläne und Gesetze der EU? Und wie ist es möglich, Industrie und Umweltschutz in Einklang zu bringen?
    Dieser Podcast gibt Einblicke, recherchiert Hintergründe und bringt dich immer auf den neuesten Stand zum Green Deal.
    Ich bin Sina, zusammen mit den Korrespondent*innen aus dem europäischen Radionetzwerk berichte ich aus den Ländern der EU. In diesem Podcast geben Expert*innen ihre Einschätzungen zum Green Deal ab. Journalistisch, unabhängig und verständlich. Abonniere diesen Podcast für ein automatisches Episoden-Update alle 14 Tage.
    Green Deal ist eine Produktion der Podcastfabrik im Auftrag des europäischen Radionetzwerks Euranet plus.

  • Green Deal LëtzebuergEducation, Science 16 Feb

    Et ass nach ee wäite Wee. Mam ”Green Deal” wëllt d’Europäesch Unioun bis 2050 méi nohalteg, méi klima- an ëmweltfrëndlech ginn: Manner Emissiounen op de Stroossen, an der Industrie an an der Landwirtschaft, méi e spuersamen Ëmgank mat Ressourcen, d’Biodiversitéit besser protegéieren - dat alles verbonne mat Innovatioun.
    A Kooperatioun mat Euranet Plus - deem gréissten europäesche Radio-Reseau fir EU-Aktualitéit.

  • Green Deal DanmarkEducation, Science 28 Feb

    EU ønsker at gå forrest i den grønne omstilling. Men hvad skal der til; og hvad er status?

    I den danske udgave af The Green Deal ser vi på nogle af de centrale udfordringer, EU står over for i kampen mod klimaforandringer. The Green Deal handler om fødevaresikkerhed, vedvarende energi, reduktion af CO2-udslip, trafik og mange andre klima-emner. Kan vi reducere vores miljømæssige fodaftryk – og tør vi drømme om, at Europa kan være det første kontinent, der er klimaneutralt i 2050?

    The Green Deal samler tanker, idéer og nye perspektiver fra politikere og eksperter fra hele Europa. Vi prøver at finde svar på nogle af de vigtigste spørgsmål, vi står overfor lige nu. Ikke kun for os, men for vores børn - og de kommende generationer.

    Hvis du interesserer dig for, hvordan fremtiden på kloden kommer til at se ud, så tryk “subscribe” og abonner på The Green Deal.

    The Green Deal Podcast er skabt af det europæiske radionetværk Euranet Plus, hvor journalister samarbejder på tværs af europæiske lande for at undersøge den grønne omstilling og udvikling i EU.

    Tue Sørensen er vært. The Green Deal Danmark er produceret af podPeople i samarbejde med Aloud Media for Euranet Plus.

    Tilrettelægger: Nicolai Zwinge.

    Læs mere om The Green Deal Podcast her:

  • Euranet Plus Green Deal podcastNews, Science, Politics 20 Dec 2023

    The European Union wants to go green. In December 2019, the European Commission unveiled its Green Deal, its roadmap to making the EU economy sustainable and thus achieving its end goal: to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.

    But what does the Green Deal mean for each of us? As citizens, as consumers, what habits will we need to change to make our day-to-day lives more sustainable? What compromises will we have to make? And what measures can we expect from Europe and our national public authorities to encourage these changes?

    By delving into daily life across the EU in this Green Deal podcast, our network of radio correspondents provides insight and answers to the challenges facing the bloc.

  • Green Deal HrvatskaNews 21 Dec 2023

    Ovo je ’Green Deal’ Hrvatska. Proizveo Euranet Plus. U ovom podcastu zajedno s europskim kolegama raspravljamo o velikom putu koji EU mora proći kako bi učinkovito djelovala protiv klimatskih promjena. Green Deal se bavi sigurnošću hrane, obnovljivom energijom, smanjenjem ugljičnog dioksida, prometom i mnogim drugim važnim temama na putu u klimatski prihvatljivu i zdraviju budućnost. Možemo li smanjiti ekološki otisak na naš planet? Može li Europa biti prvi kontinent koji će biti klimatski neutralan do 2050. godine? Green Deal prikuplja misli, ideje i nova dostignuća političara i znanstvenika iz cijele Europe. Potražimo odgovore na pitanja koja bi naša vrsta trebala postavljati - ne samo zbog nas, već i zbog naše djece i generacija koje dolaze.
    Ako vas zanima kako bi mogla izgledati naša budućnost na Zemlji, pretplatite se na Euranet Plus i Green Deal i budite informirani.
    ”Green Deal - Europska klimatska akcija” novi je i klimatski prihvatljiv podcast kreiran od strane Europske radi...

  • How Green Is Your Deal? Science, Social Sciences 23 Apr

    Are you interested in European climate policy but struggling to make sense of it all? Join researcher Jana Gheuens as she talks with leading climate experts about their work and policy insights. Each episode contains bite-size information to help you understand the current debates in climate governance

    Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

  • Green WaveNews 29 May

    Green Wave showcases some of the best articles from the Green European Journal - Europe’s leading political ecology magazine offering green & progressive ideas and analysis. For the text version of the articles and printed editions go to, or follow the journal on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @GreenEUJournal.

  • Mobility MarvelsScience, Social Sciences 23 Mar 2023

    Do you want to hear from forward-thinking cities, people, and projects pioneering in green and clean transport? Are you interested in smart, inclusive and sustainable mobility? Mobility Marvels is the podcast for you!

    Produced by the CIVITAS Initiative, the the first two seasons of Mobility Marvels will speak with mobility experts from several EU-funded projects. Join us to be informed, intrigued and perhaps even motivated to replicate some measures in your own city.

    Discover the CIVITAS Initiative at:

  • Grüne Wiese: Dein monatlicher Einblick in nachhaltiges UnternehmertumBusiness 4 Jun

    Ob CSRD oder Green Claims, Nachhaltigkeitsambition oder Klimastrategie, Lieferkette oder nachhaltige Investments, nachhaltiges Marketing oder Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation: SAIM Grüne Wiese gibt monatlich praxisnah Einblick in nachhaltiges Unternehmertum.

    Welchen Stellenwert hat Nachhaltigkeit im Unternehmen? Wie wird das Nachhaltigkeitsengagement wahrgenommen, im Unternehmen selbst, von Stakeholdern, von Kundinnen und Kunden? Was verändert sich im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit für Unternehmen aktuell, beispielsweise durch neue EU-Regularien? Wie lassen sich diese Veränderungen als Chance nutzen, um nachhaltige Transformation zu ökonomischen Erfolg umzumünzen?

    Über die wechselnden Themen sprechen Podcast-Host Andreas Winterer, Senior Advisor und Podcaster bei SAIM - Consulting by UTOPIA, und Dr. Meike Gebhard, Geschäftsführerin der UTOPIA GmbH (oder gegebenenfalls andere Kolleg:innen) jeweils mit ausgewählten Gäst:innen mit hoher Expertise und aus namhaften, innovativen Unternehmen.

    "Grüne Wiese: Der Podcast von SAIM - Consulting by UTOPIA" erzählt Geschichten des Wandels und sicher auch mal die des Scheiterns - aber immer aus der Perspektive derer, die diesen Wandel aktiv gestalten und über ihre Motivationen und Erfahrungen berichten und was wir daraus lernen können.

  • Social Media, Fashion und Nachhaltigkeit! Passt nicht? Und ob. Das beweist Host Mia Heresch gemeinsam mit Magdalena Schaffrin - Kommunikationsagentur Studio MM04 & VORN – und Patrick Bergmann - Social-Media-Agentur famefact.

    Wie kann nachhaltig kommuniziert werden, was hat die EU Green Claims Directive damit zu tun und wie verändert KI die Art und Weise, wie wir kommunizieren. Auf all das gibt es Antworten im Live-Podcast Sustainabillity on Socials!

  • It has been another year of Brexit Benefits that remain as illusive as the Loch Ness Monster. The pointlessly renamed Twitter continues to fill our timelines with deportation nonsense, and honesty and integrity remain taxing issues for the government. At least our green-washed British Prime Minister, Seven-Bins Sunak has been able to save us from the iniquitous meat tax. ’Levelling up’ has become the new ’cancel-culture’ as HS2 is thrown under the wheels of the big red northern powerhouse bus. In this series, I take a satirical look at UK, EU, and US politics. We explore cultural differences and I tell a few stories from my time in the music business. I also explain why the grass isn’t necessarily greener here in Spain, except on the golf courses...

  • It’s time for the textile industry to stop harming people and our planet. But what is the alternative to the „fast fashion” concept? In this 3-part podcast, we dive into the impact of the textile industry and the economic growth mindset and explore alternative systems. Based on the idea of aWellbeing Economy,we try to imagine another way to transform how our clothes are made, sold, worn - and reworn

    Wellbeing Wardrobe - Undressing Fast Fashion is a podcast by the European Environmental Bureau.

    You can find us online onwardrobechange.euand follow the EEB on Twitter at @Green_Europe..

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Athens Brussels Review - Greek EditionNews 6 Jun

    Maria Demertzis, Bruegel Senior Fellow, Nikos Vettas, FEIR (IOBE) Gen. Director, Thodoris Georgakopoulos, Dianeosis Advisory Board Member and John Papageorgiou, Founder & Head of Athens Digest will discuss about how EU initiatives are impacting Greece and how Greek policies are perceived in Brussels and European capitals.

  • Today in the EUNews, News Commentary, Politics 3 Jun

    Today in the EU is the first daily podcast dedicated to politics and policy in the European Union. Every morning at 6 am, hosts Evi Kiorri and Giada Santana, in conversation with Euractiv’s specialised journalists, discuss the latest in the EU bubble. Tune in to be informed about what is going on in the EU, in less than fifteen minutes.

    The podcast covers a wide range of topics, including EU politics and institutions, elections, shifts in political power among EU parties (EPP, PES, ALDE, GUE, Greens), G7, EU enlargement, member states, economics, finance, tech regulations, environmental policy, climate change, agrifood, agriculture policy, health, and pandemic treaties.

    Featured guests include international political leaders and EU regulators like Ursula Von Der Leyen, Josep Borrell, Pedro Sanchez, Emmanuel Macron, Giorgia Meloni, Marine Le Pen, Geert Wilders, Donald Tusk, Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, and Joe Biden.

    Euractiv’s analysis is enriched with the latest reports from esteemed international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Bank, and European institutions.

    The production team includes producers Nicoletta Ionta and Miriam Saénz de Tejada, along with hosts Evi Kiorri and Giada Santana.

  • #108 The fall of press freedom in GreeceNews, News Commentary, Politics 10 Feb 2023

    Thirty-eight places worse than in 2021 and last in the ranking of EU countries, press freedom in Greece is undoubtedly in free fall. According to the annual report of Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF), in a total of 180 countries, the country referred to internationally as the matrix of democracy has plummeted in just one year from 70th to 108th place in 2022.

    In the following six episodes, Greek journalists Konstantinos Poulis and Jenny Tsiropoulou will take us inside newsrooms to see the working conditions in the media, investigate the unsolved murder of a journalist at the door of his house, talk to journalists-victims of SLAPPS and journalists-victims of phone tapping, and they will talk to us about a completely opaque process of public funding to find out what the 108th place means in practice and to ask who benefits from journalism that is feared and silenced.

    We would like you to know that the present government has systematically failed to respond to requests from journalists from unfriendly media. In such cases, we report on it in our editorials.

    #108 is a co-production between the Greek independent media The Press Project and the podcast production agency Bulle Media. The podcast series is part of the Europod podcast network and was produced under the Sphera project.

    The original language of this podcast is Greek. There is also available an English version.

    The producer of 108 is Antoine Lheureux. Executive producers are Konstantinos Poulis and Alexander Damiano Ricci.

    Scriptwriting is by Jenny Tsiropoulou. Interviews by Jenny Tsiropoulou and Konstantinos Poulis.

    Editorial work by María Dios and Alexander Damiano Ricci.

    Sound design by Thomas Kusberg. Editing and mixing by Thomas Kusberg and Jeremy Bocquet.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Aqui trataremos sobre sexo, fetiches, curiosidades, duvidas. Para descontrair, teremos contos eróticos narrados por mim. Tudo isso, claro com sua ajuda. Você me dirá sobre o que quer ouvir. Me mandem mensagens aqui ou no meu instagram: @papoorg*smico E ai, que tal bater um papinho comigo?!?😏😏😉 Umm bjooo!!!👄👄 Support this podcast: falo você goza/support

  • EU ConfidentialNews, Government, Politics 10 Jun

    EU Confidential is a weekly European news and politics podcast published every Friday by POLITICO Europe. Each 30-minute episode features POLITICO’s analysis of the top stories driving EU politics, as well as notable guests shaping European policy and deep-dive stories from around the Continent. It’s hosted by Sarah Wheaton, POLITICO’s chief policy correspondent, who is joined by reporters from around Europe. Discover our show notes for EU Confidential here:

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Eu Tava Lá é um podcast criado em 2018, apresentado por Braian Rizzo, que toda semana recebe um convidado diferente para bater um papo e dividir vivências e histórias pessoais. Episódios novos toda segunda-feira!

  • organizar o lado de fora para trazer a sua potência pro mundo • para pessoas que não estão dando conta • episódios novos 2x no mês, aos domingos de manhã • feito por @oeuorganizado

  • EU-foriNews, Politics 4 Jun

    EU-fori, en podd för den som är lite smygintresserad av EU och Europa. Vi gör EU begripligt och relevant för den som har ett samhällsintresse men alltid känt att man vill bli bättre på EU. Vi blandar faktaavsnitt, intervjuer, bakom rubriken och historiska tillbakablickar bland annat. EU-foripodden reder ut vem den där EU egentligen är, ger ett Sverigeperspektiv på EU och fångar upp en massa bra historier!

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eu green deal industrial plan (2024)
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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.