August 27, 2024 Edition Mnt Goat Newsletter (2024)

August 27, 2024 Edition Mnt Goat Newsletter (1)
August 27, 2024
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August 27, 2024 Edition Mnt Goat Newsletter (2)

Going on over 10 years now, I have taken my own time to research and document findings about the revaluation and reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar. At this time more than ever I do not need to be doing this. I do it out of charity and love with understanding that all of us do NOT have the time to go do our own research. We are busy with our jobs, our daily lives and raising our children. So, I try to help out. But remember I too am very busy in my daily life too. I am no different, yet I take the time out each day to complete the task of research and composing my newsletter for you. This Newsletter will not survive without your ongoing support. There are 20,000+ followers and readers on my blog, But why do just the same handful only help out? Do the rest of you not want or care about the news I bring? I suggest $10-$20 or whatever you can afford but only if you can afford it. We must not let this blog die. The TRUTH must come out about this ongoing RV saga. The constant lies must end!

1 Chronicles 29:14

“A gift can open doors; it gives access to important people!

Did you happen to miss the last couple Newsletters? Click here to go to Mnt Goat Archives.

You can see the entire Mnt Goat Newsletter Blog HERE. There is much more amazing news and RV information than just the bi-weekly newsletter.


Hello everyone. So, today is Thursday and I needed to confirm a few issues with my CBI contact in Iraq before publishing this Newsletter. This will be the only Newsletter this week. Sorry!

Yes, today’s news is mostly about what my CBI contact told me is happening in Iraq. There are no newer lower denominations in the ATMs or elsewhere. This can not and will not happen until the rate changes closer to a dollar. However, there are lower denominations being loaded in the ATMs and they are the 250, 500 and 1000 notes.

So, where these intel gurus in the USA get their information from, I do not know. Just lie this idiot TNT Tony told us he had a contact in the US Treasury tell him it was going to R for the last 10 years. Did it? This is the same US department that is now occupying an entire floor in the CBI telling us they are there to clean up the corruption with the dollar. Oh….. does this seem strange to you. I think this TNT idiot has been caught in a “Super Fantastic” lie. Yes, I have been telling all you stupid TNT followers he has been lying to you all along. He is a “scam artists” and a VERY good one. What will it take to make you believe me? Stay away from this guy and many others.

How many times already have they gotten you excited over the last 20 years? How many times are they going to tell you their bullsh*t!. ☹ This is FACT. Also, I was told once again the process will begin with “EDUCATION” followed by “ACTION”. Get it? Yes, we have seen some of it already but there is more to come. Also, I should not have to remind my Mnt Goat blog readers of the necessity of the parallel market to get very close, if not matching, tp the official CBI rate. We are watching for this and it has not yet reached its goals. Has it? NO it has not! So, have we seen this yet? What is all this stupid rumors and ignorant hype from all the intel gurus about the lower denominations again and the RV happening? Yes, again. How many already did they try to lie to us? I mean mostly this idiot TNT Tony and his tiny, little, mentally deranged groupies. Where does this idiot get his intel from OR does he just make it all up? Stop it please! ☹

So, on my Wednesday’s call to Iraq, my contact also told me something worth sharing and I certainly hope all these stupid intel gurus are listening. She told me that millions on Iraqi citizens also listen to the USA news for information about their own currency on the internet. This could be dangerous since we all know about the cookos out their spreading ridiculous rumors. So Iraqis get mixed up and confused, as they tell them the RV has happened or the lower denominations are out for years now and nothing has happened. So, they too are “pissed off” at these stupid intel gurus. Yes, TNT Tony you are the worst they talked about. Just so all his little brainless puppets know what he is doing to actually harm and slow down the process of the currency reform and not helping it. She told me they now have to combat all this bullsh*t too and re-educate the people of the FACTS at the same time. This is NOT good. She asked to plea with these idiots to “STOP IT”. I plea today for them to STOP!

So, what is in the REAL news today from Iraq?

I am not going to talk about some bullsh*t from a bank or some “secret” US Treasury contact. I am going to tell the truth as to just where Iraq stands.

There was an article titled “STRONG ECONOMY STRONG DINAR” by an economists named Al-Badrani. The article is a detailed one that makes total sense except for one thing. It does not beg the correct question – so where is the FOREX rate for the value of the “rentier” oil economy right now. Yes, RGHT NOW not 20 years down the road! Surely the 1/6 of a penny DOES NOT reflect the true value of the dinar RIGHT NOW and it is being suppressed. So, its good reading and gives us an idea where Iraq needs to go and they surely need to progress forward to make the dinar even stronger. But I keep saying if you have all these assets, $120 billion in the bank, gold reserves, bla, bla, bla, then so where it the true rate of your currency RIGHT NOW not 20 years away? So we all need to remember this is the Obama, Biden and also the Harris plan for Iraq. The plan is to wait and wait and wait while they groom and steal yet more money.

We also read that Minister of Finance Taif Sami stressed on Tuesday, the importance of completing plans to regulate the work of the government banking sector. This is not new news for us. But again we must go to WHY the article. They have told us the US Treasury in now taking up an entire floor in the Central Bank. Why are they there? They are there for all the reasons Sami talks about. They need to merge these banks or eliminate them. There are way too many banks in Iraq, thus increasing the liability and efforts to monitor them. Yes, it is all about corruption and controlling money, and not just the dollar either.

We know from past articles that the US Treasury has sanctioned 32 banks over suspicions of money laundering and smuggling to Iran. But these are just 32 of the total banks in Iraq. We learned the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, is now in Washington DC, to discuss lifting the ban on these Iraqi banks sanctioned by the US Treasury Department, as well as enhancing bilateral cooperation between the monetary institution in Iraq and the US Federal Reserve. NO, he is not hear to make the final arrangements for the RV. How stupid to say such a thing. Again just more guru intel bullsh*t. Please STOP the lying!

Financial researcher Bassam Raad explained to us that the visit of the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, to ​the U.S. should has “positive effects and aims to achieve Iraq’s financial interests and obtain technical support in the banking field to ensure the success of the monetary policy plan by relying on authorized banks as correspondent banks in foreign transfer operations,” noting that the visit aims “to maintain a bilateral dialogue on possible measures for the purpose of lifting sanctions by the US Treasury Department on banks banned from dealing in the US dollar.” Personally I do not feel he will be successful in getting the sanctions lifted. But Alaq has other work in Washington too. There are other issues in dealing with foreign trade with some major players. Remember that the WTO accession is just around the corner.

😊 Talk about the WTO and so let’s watch parliament now give they the laws they asked for. The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed, on Wednesday, that the development path will achieve a qualitative shift in the course of trade exchange between Iraq and the world. Opps… and the dinar is going to stay at 1/6 of a penny?

The Parliamentary Economic Committee member Yasserannounced today, Thursday, the existence of a project to amend about 10 economic laws, explaining that the goal is to enhance trade, facilitate customs and tax procedures, support the public and private sectors, and develop a real map for economic reform. Remember the article from the WTO telling us this is the last issue they need resolve? In know, I know this news was from nearly 6 months ago, but now they are now getting it done. Yes, Speedy Gonzales they are not…. 😊

Economic expert Mustafa Hantoush said today in an article titled “ECONOMIST TALKS ABOUT THE MECHANISM FOR REVIVING THE IRAQI ECONOMY”. He says

“What the Central Bank of Iraq is doing by empowering foreign banks or foreign investors at the expense of the Iraqi banking system is a fatal blow to future opportunities to advance the Iraqi economy through the banking system.” I do not agree with his view. He does not even consider all the capital still sitting in the stashes and hoards of money by the citizens not yet deposited in the banks. This is really at the heart of “reviving” the Iraqi banks. Why would any economists not think that dealing with foreign banks is not a good thing for Iraq. These kind of articles just send mixed messages to the citizens of Iraq and to us investors.

So, this is the newest news from Iraq. There is no big surprises, revelations or “WOW!” news this period. NO! There are no newer lower denominations or coins out in Iraq. This is all just silly and stupid guru talk again by ignorant people.

Let’s see what happens with Alaq’s visit to Washington DC. By the way my CBI contact did tell me to remind everyone that Alaq is still governor and his resignation was NOT yet accepted. I believe this is a VERY good thing. He is a brilliant guy and he will get us through this RV threshold but at the right time. We must remember there are many factions in Iraq who don’t want Iraq to progress forward and will lie to the people to lessen their hope of a bright future. But it is coming.

Right now, if you live in the US you should be focusing on the November elections and what the prophets are telling us. Folks there is going to be a MAJOR, and I do mean MAJOR, shakeup in politics coming to the U.S. All this bullsh*t will end. Things will get much better. When this happens in the US remember that it spreads to the rest of the world.

Prosperity and abundance can’t be contained. This is what I can’t understand. Why would any political leaders want to intentionally bring down the US, if they themselves weren’t corrupt and working for some other agenda, orchestrated by some global players who sit in the background and tell them what to do. Is this a government “By The People For The People” of the country to which it stands? We must take back the control of our own governments.

Now I say who is the best candidate to facilitate this? Think about it and vote accordingly in November. This goes the same for all you other countries too in your elections. Yes, I mean especially EU, Canada, UK, and Australia. Stop thinking about just what you want for free handouts and socialism, but instead what the future world is going to look like for your children.

Oh… I might add that our PRAYERS are working and so please, please don’t let up on the prayers too.


Their words not mine…..No Rumors, No Hype, No Opinions ,,,,,

Just the FACTS!

Disclaimer: All information in this newsletter is not intended for investment decisions / purposes. Mnt Goat is not a financial analyst, planner, banker, attorney or associated in any role with giving out professional investment advice.

August 27, 2024 Edition Mnt Goat Newsletter (4)
August 27, 2024 Edition Mnt Goat Newsletter (5)
August 27, 2024 Edition Mnt Goat Newsletter (6)

From God to the PROPHET Julie Green:


August 27, 2024 Edition Mnt Goat Newsletter (7)


August 27, 2024 Edition Mnt Goat Newsletter (8)


August 27, 2024 Edition Mnt Goat Newsletter (9)



Just remember you can’t hide from the past. How you think todays comes through on past policies which will be present future policies.

So again, more lies during the DNC.

August 27, 2024 Edition Mnt Goat Newsletter (10)
August 27, 2024 Edition Mnt Goat Newsletter (11)



August 27, 2024 Edition Mnt Goat Newsletter (12)


A must watch news story. How much more crooked could anyone get?

Okay, pay attention to the video. First, there is the Flip Flop on the wall by Harris. Second, then they show past videos of a mantra given to the democrats by the crooked establishment who are telling them what to say. This time is “The racist wall” rhetoric. Do you see it yet? Do you see how the news media and now even the democrat politicians themselves are just puppets and spit out whatever they are told to do. Do they vote on laws the same way? Do they even really fight for the majority of the people in their district or just do what the elite and crooked establishment want them to do? I think we are seeing examples of the later. So, here it is from their mouths not Mnt Goat or some other people they call conspiracy theorists. Get it?

August 27, 2024 Edition Mnt Goat Newsletter (13)


Trump Makes RFK Jr Announcement

August 27, 2024 Edition Mnt Goat Newsletter (14)



When Kamala lies, democracy dies…
August 27, 2024 Edition Mnt Goat Newsletter (15)


August 27, 2024 Edition Mnt Goat Newsletter (16)

WOW! WOW! WOW! News, but not about the dinar.

DNC: “who needs a campaign platform of policies when you have Trump to hate”.

This JFK Jr speech today (see below videos) is a sad speech for America to have to listen to, but a speech that was necessary to help SAVE America. It’s a long speech to come to a final conclusion as to why he now is backing Trump. Folks, this news could not get any better. In my eyes it was a toss up as to who I was going to vote for either Trump or JFK Jr. Now, my decision has been made for me. I only hope JFK Jr can stays in politics. All my parents and grandparents embraced in the past of the democrat party when the democrat party was the party of the people. But was it ever even, a topic for another days discussion….

Take a step back for a second and let’s put this announcement into perspective. RFK Jr was a democrat. His entire family are long democrats. He leaves the democrat party, goes independent, gets screwed by the democrats in power over ballot eligibility, then now endorses Trump, essentially now a republican. So he moved from democrat to republican. There must be a strong reason why. Listen to his reasons. How many times must you hear this before you realize what is going on?

Folks, there is a strong movement going on here in America. The woke 3-5% of the population are not the majority and are not going to have their way. A movement to rid our country of this corrupt and woke takeover of America. It’s up to you. You can research all the political lies and find the TRUTH and then join the movement to truly Make America Great Again or later, years down the road, don’t complain, as I know you will.

August 27, 2024 Edition Mnt Goat Newsletter (17)


As we get closer to the 2024 election, let’s not forget the past. Who are you going to VOTE for?

Let’s remember who really are the violator of the US Constitution. Let’s remember the sham trials as the DEMOCRAT PARTY tried to get Donald Trump in fake impeachments and then those sham inditements and trials.

For all you democrats who scream that Trump is a threat to democracy…really? Maybe you all need to look in your own backyard to realize who are the real culprits. Grand speeches by democrats making out to be the “protectors” of democracy. Oh…they love this country so much…. bla, bla, bla. There is a term for people like this. They are called HYPOCRITS!

But actions speak louder than words. Don’t let my personal views distract you. So what do these democrats really care about? I can assure you it certainly is not about preserving democracy or the US Constitution.

Let’s take a look at the past and remind ourselves what happened while Trump was president. This was almost unbelievable what happened and yet this same guy, namely Congressman Adam Shift (and there are many others too), is now campaigning for a Senate position in our government? How can he even be allowed to still sit in the Congressional House chambers of the capital never mind take a Senate position? This is VERY frightening and should scare every American whether you are a democrat, republican, independent or what ever. But let me say it continues until today even and these same crooked politicians continue to go after ANYONE who stands in their path to ABSOLUTE, ONE PARTY POWER.

Wake up America – this is Marxists Socialist Communism. This is our real focus and fight to preserve our democracy and Constitutional Republic. Get it? Sad but true.

Let’s connect the dots now. After watching this video of the impeachment trial (see below) from years ago, can you see now why the current majority leader Chuck Schumer of the Senate does not want to hold the Constitutionally mandated trial for the articles of impeachment as sent from Congress for the Biden appointee heading the US Homeland Security namely Mayorkas. Yes, its all about the unlawful migration of millions of mostly unvetted illegal people flowing through our wide open southern border.

August 27, 2024 Edition Mnt Goat Newsletter (18)

Yes, Schumer knows he can’t win a trail in the Senate, that maybe after listening to the FACTS, if a trial was held, that a few democrat Senators just might side with the law and vote to impeach Mayorkas. So, what does he do. He refuses to hold the trial. He refuses to do his Constitutionally mandated job as the Senate leader. Yes, it has gotten this bad.

So, here we go again when I ask you, who are the real protectors of democracy? Who are you going to vote for in this upcoming 20224 election to protect democracy?

No lies, No Rumors, No opinions, just the FACTS!

Remember what the democrats told us at the DNC for what their election platform issues they will be working to implement, if elected in November. See the list below. Are you in favor of these?

  • Remember the 2021 HR 1 the Voting Rights Bill that they tried to pass following the allegations of voter fraud in 2020 election? This bill would essentially make voting a joke and take away the voice of the people in all future elections. It sets the stage for legalized voter fraud at a massive scale. Elections can then be “legally” rigged like in 3rd world countries. Don’t believe me?? Go read the bill because I have.
  • Dismantle the filibuster rules
  • Dismantle the electoral voting process. If you are so “gun-hoe” on this issue for supporting it, you better first want to go do your research and study the electoral process as to why we have it in the first place, and what it would do to “disproportionate” the voting distribution. This time may be well spent and you just might change your mind and see the necessity of having it for fairness in the voting process. Oh… but we can see that for the democrats this action it is not about fairness but rather staying in power with their indefinite one-party system. Yes, and we can see how their system is not working and a mess they have made of this country, the Constitution and the Judicial system.
  • Bring back Roe v Wade, ruling on abortion at a FEDERAL level rather than leaving it at the STATE level, closer to the direct “We The People” decision makers as our founding fathers wanted. Don’t let anyone convince you that this SCOTUS decision was wrong or that it takes away the rights of the mother to have an abortion. It did not. It just returned the decisions of supporting abortion rights in all the factors back to the state. Also the Federal government funding ends too, which means your taxes no long fund abortion clinics or abortion pills.

We are the people in the states where it belongs. We can see already that the liberal state of Connecticut soon declared itself a “sanctuary abortion” state almost immediately after the SCOTUS ruling on Roe v Wade issue. They did this without even bringing abortion to a vote in the that state, so “We The People” in the state never had an opportunity to decide. Do you see how bad they want to murder innocent babies? But there is much more to this abortion issue story if you only dig deeper. It is all about extending the right murder babies in the late term wound and even after birth but eventually move to senior citizen euthanasia, setting an age criteria as seniors are no longer useful to society. Of course, these same senior politicians would be exempt from the law designated as “essential” and “necessary” to society. Do you see now what they want to do?

But this abortion issue and its laws also ties directly into the issue of “test tube” babies, which by the way they can already produce. But will these babies have a soul? Can they then just produce human life and do whatever they want with these people, such a sex slaves, servants, or even breed them for military service hooking them up to the internet, as they already can do this too. You see they want to make this all legal to totally control human life at all aspects. How far will you let them go before we say NO!

Many don’t even know the democrat’s party plan to put into laws the ability to murder children up to 2 years even after the birth if the parents or medical professionals decide there is a defect or issue with the life of the child. This was a bill written by Pelosi but from its griefless and outrageous lack of respect for life, if could never pass a vote in Congress and so it was dead on arrival. But my point is this – who are these people that they can even think this way to begin with. How far into the wickedness and satanic realm have these people progressed?



August 27, 2024 Edition Mnt Goat Newsletter (19)


Please try to remember to pray each and every day. The rosaries for me is my way to pray and has had a significant impact on my life. It has meant many miracles for me and my family. It can be for you too, and the Blessed Immaculate Mary asks that we pray “faithfully” each day. You can also pick your own personal prayers, as the rosary is just my choice and I just wanted to share it with you.

We all know something has gone terribly wrong with our nation. A supernatural battle is taking place to determine the fate of America. In justtwelve minutes a dayyou help bring forth a divine intervention to save our country using this book. Let us not forget to fast, meditate and pray for the salvation of America. There is an organization that is taking on this endeavor through helpful prayer guidance. This is what I plan to do. How about you?

August 27, 2024 Edition Mnt Goat Newsletter (20)

Anyonecan join the hundreds of thousands already involved in this rapidly-growing prayer movement. It’s easy to get started:

Pray the Daily Prayers To Save Our Country

Order the official prayer book, read or listen online, or print them out. Just click on the prayer book below.

August 27, 2024 Edition Mnt Goat Newsletter (22)

A National Prayer Movement
for God’s Help

August 27, 2024 Edition Mnt Goat Newsletter (23)


Mohammed Saleh Al-Badrani

Anytalk about improvement in any fieldis theoretical talk that will not produce anything unless stability, social cohesion and a stable security situation are achieved.

This matter requires attention to details and loose threads. Civilization needs foundations to bea platform for advancement, and stability is the basis. It is a general word that includes the societal structure, reform of institutions and administration, and the establishment of an ideology that everyone seeks to achieve through which plans are built, sectors are supported, and prosperity is one of its outcomes. This requires the advancement of education, support for general culture, and aspirations towards movement without obstructive limitations. Other than this, everything we say or will say becomes mere wishes and desires that have no means or institutions to achieve them.

Stability and the crystallization of the character of the state and its institutions will be built accordingly, and it is the same path of progress that expands and opens up the fields of renaissance by forming the nation and then by forming the stable state.

1.Relying on oil without investing it will not improve the economy or increase the strength of the dinar. Rather, it is an invisible deterioration, and everything that is treated with it is like wood dye that is eaten by termites. For this reason, oil and other resources such as customs revenues and taxes must be invested, not by increasing taxes and exhausting the citizen, but by making it flow in a way that makes the citizen comfortable, so that it is in harmony with the state and its plans and is part of its plan, and the state is not considered a feudal lord or a squire who wants to stray from its paths.

(This is why Saleh keeps pushing for a Soveirgn fund for the Iraqi DFI Fund money that sits in the banks in the USA. It needs to be invested along with more future monies.)

2.Taking care of the countryside and returning people to it with plans, projects, industries and factories for agriculture and raising poultry, cows and sheep to produce meat and other things, with managing the land to grow fodder, and establishing fodder factories in strategic areas, and factories for animal products and canning them. As for the citizen’s return without a plan, it will be a matter whose feasibility will weaken unless capital enters from somewhere as capital for those who have money and find a way to operate it. This will be practical and realistic after stability.

3.Stopping government appointments with the absence of projects and the increase in colleges and universities means producing a cadre that is not good at taking care of itself or doing any work in order to live. It is necessary to establish private projects and companies and the state encourages their stability and facilitates their establishment with the establishment of a retirement guarantee similar to the state retirement system, and thus the momentum for work in government jobs is reduced. This may come through partnerships with companies in industrialized countries to localize major factories and food and mechanical industries such as cars and machinery and support them with oil at cost price, in exchange for social care supervised by the state and looked into by the state so that those who work in these companies, facilities or industries are not harmed if one of the companies decides to abandon work. This means establishing contract models that specify the workforce, job positions and expertise and developing them through continuous education

Regional environment

4.Establishing interest-based relations with the regional environment, and establishing water agreements in a way that realistically looks at everyone’s interests, and through cooperation in water management, investment, and joint planning as management and facilities so that there is no clear gap between desires and reality, and between proposals that have not entered the logical filters, as climate change is likely and to a large extent, but its results cannot be determined, so confronting it today through projects that do not put the country in a state of death and are capable of supplying economic and human movement is very important


5.Desalination of Gulf water and engineering its pumping so that it covers and revives every inch of Iraq, and the rapid transformation to modern and economic agriculture will reduce pollution.

The marshes will not be relied upon as water bodies, but rather as tourist investment areas such as winter resorts and fish farms, as is suitable for them.

The dinar and the economy need real work and confidence in the currency is confidence in the economy of the countries, which expresses confidence in the management of the country itself. What we write here is the salt in the perspective of the reality of the situation, so that the effort of the meetings is not wasted and becomes air in the net, as they say. It is certain that there are specialists in the country, but they should not look at the experiences of others and transfer them as templates. Capitalism is not a fragmentation system, but rather a system that built itself for hundreds of years until it settled in the situation we see, and those who live in it will not see it as an option. Likewise, socialist systems do not have direct scientific applications. We need to benefit from these systems in making a suitable system successful, as China did, which has a strong economy that does not look at the exchange rate of its currency, but is strong in its global dealings. Perhaps if the countries of the region united to create their own currency and trade, they would gain a position in managing the global economy. All of this requires effort and time, and before that, determination in understanding and preparation and a will to implement.



– Minister of Finance Taif Sami stressed, today, Tuesday, the importance of completing plans to regulate the work of the government banking sector.

A statement by the ministry – received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA) – said: “Minister of Finance Taif Sami chaired a coordination meeting with the international auditing and oversight firmErnst & Young to follow up on the ongoing technical plans to merge and organize the work of Rafidain and Rashid Banks and insurance companies.”

He added, “During the meeting, which was attended by a number of the ministry’s general managers and formations, a report was presented by the auditing firm on the final stages of its work regarding organizing the work of the government banking sector, in addition to discussing the proposed plans and final implementation stages in line with the priorities of reform and development.”

The Minister of Finance stressed – according to the statement – “the importance of implementing these procedures to contribute to enhancing confidence in the banking system and providing a stable financial environment that supports economic growth, which is positively reflected on the national economy in general and achieving sustainable development and stimulating growth in various sectors.”

Sami explained, “The importance of benefiting from the expertise of solid international companies such as Ernst & Young in the field of regulating and restructuring financial institutions, as the ministry aims to make Iraqi banks internationally and locally acceptable to provide better services to citizens. The auditing company’s expertise will also contribute to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of financial institutions, as it is expected that merging and regulating financial institutions will improve the quality of banking services provided and enhance investor confidence in the Iraqi economy.”

The statement continued,“Iraq is witnessing transformations in the government banking sector through the adoption of ambitious work programs to restructure government banks, aiming to enhance the efficiency of these banks and improve their services provided to citizens and companies and strengthen financial suitability by increasing capitaland diversifying sources of income, in addition to improving governance by applying high standards of transparency and accountability and adopting the latest banking technologies to provide more efficient services, as well as increasing confidence in the banking sector and thus attracting foreign investments.”



Washington has sanctioned 32 banks over suspicions of money laundering and smuggling to Iran

The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, intends to visit the US capital, Washington, at the end of this month to discuss lifting the ban on Iraqi banks sanctioned by the US Treasury Department, as well as enhancing bilateral cooperation between the monetary institution in Iraq and the US Federal Reserve.

Al-Alaq’s visit to Washington comes at a time when the gap between the official and black market rates for exchanging the dollar against the dinar continues, despite the measures taken by the Central Bank of Iraq over the past months, which it says “contributed to limiting its rise to double,” but it is not known whether the visit will witness success in lifting the ban or stabilizing the exchange rate.

“double penalties

The head of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, had previously confirmed that the fluctuation of the dollar exchange rate creates a state of economic and financial instability, especially with the widening gap between the official selling price of the dollar and the parallel market price.

Al-Atwani said in a statement on the sidelines of his chairing of the committee meeting that hosted the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, to ​​discuss the monetary policy file in the country, that “the widening gap between the official selling price of the dollar and the parallel market price creates a state of economic and financial instability.”

He stressed that “the stability of the exchange rate is a central issue for the state, as there is a duality in the issue of imposing US sanctions between Iraqi banks and correspondent banks, which requires the management of the Central Bank of Iraq to move effectively and address this crisis, in addition to tightening control over the work of private banks, in a way that ensures the integrity of all their procedures and work.”

Visit to protect the Iraqi banking system

In contrast, the financial advisor to the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mazhar Mohammed Salih, said, “Historically, Iraq has kept its oil receipts account at the Federal Reserve Bank in New York, based on a previous UN Security Council Resolution No. 1483 in May 2003, in addition to the foreign currency reserve account in dollars.”

The US Federal Reserve is the main source of the dollar, meeting Iraq’s foreign trade financing needs and facilitating payments for international exchange between our country and the world, according to Saleh.

He continued in his statement to Al-Jabal: “Thus, the upcoming visit of the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Al-Alaq, to ​​New York City, USA, comes to protect the Iraqi banking system and support its stability after 32 banks were banned from dealing in the dollar currency by the monetary authority in the United States for unknown reasons.”

He added: “The Central Bank of Iraq, by virtue of its work and responsibility in maintaining the stability of the financial system of Iraq, must negotiate with the American side regarding the issue of banks that are sanctioned or deprived of the dollar to alleviate the severity of the deprivation in a way that enhances the effectiveness of the banking system in supporting development and economic activity,” noting that relations between Iraq and the United States are outlined by “the strategic framework agreement signed between the two countries in 2008 and are directed towards many axes that aim to sustain relations between the two parties and strengthen them for the benefit of our country, and that the economic axis and financial and banking cooperation is one of those axes that aim to deepen bilateral relations between the two parties.”

Banking sanctions ‘no longer justified

In turn, financial researcher Bassam Raad explained that the upcoming visit of the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, to ​​Washington has “positive effects and aims to achieve Iraq’s financial interests and obtain technical support in the banking field to ensure the success of the monetary policy plan by relying on authorized banks as correspondent banks in foreign transfer operations,” noting that the visit aims “to maintain a bilateral dialogue on possible measures for the purpose of lifting sanctions by the US Treasury Department on banks banned from dealing in the US dollar.”

He stressed in his statement to Al-Jabal that the banks that are banned from dealing in foreign currency (dollars) are currently committed to international standards for combating money laundering and are working to take due care in financial transactions, noting that accordingly, “the sanctions are unjustified, especially after the Middle East and North Africa Financial Action Task Force (MENAFATF) confirmed in May of this year that Iraq is one of the countries committed to the recommendations in the field of combating money laundering and terrorist financing.”



With the Finance Committee in the Iraqi parliament calling on Washington to lift banking sanctions on banks sanctioned inside Iraq experts ruled out this issue for the time being, at least, especially in light of the data and fluctuations that are plaguing the region and trying to drag Iraq into it.

The dinar and the fear of its exchange rate from falling against the dollar returns to the forefront, but from the gate of parliament, specifically with the demands of the Financial Committee from Washington to lift its sanctions on punishing banks on the grounds that they are affecting the status of the dinar demands that may be ahead of their time, as economists say, especially since there are international companies that audit the status of these banks, which must first comply with the demands of the US Federal Reserve.

Economist Safwan Qusai told Kurdistan 24, “There is supposed to be compliance with the demands of the US Federal Reserve, Citibank and JP Morgan, there is now a global audit firm, certainly K2 and other American companies are re-auditing these restricted banks in order to determine the reasons for the shortcomings in the financial transfers that existed in previous periods.”

As long as the economic factor is linked to the political and with the attempt of some parties to withdraw Iraq from the covenants and covenants between him and the United States, the latter thought a thousand times before lifting the sanctions on banks, which requires political sophistication and a review of the file of Iraqi-American relations in order to serve the Iraqi people.

Political analyst Hussein al-Janabi told Kurdistan 24, “The United States wants Iraq to be a strategic ally in the region, and any weakness in this matter it considers threatens its existence in the region, so it tries to hold on strongly to economic pressure.”

Banking experts do not rule out structuring some banks that will be punished by the United States if efforts to remove them from the list of 14 banks on charges of money laundering and dealing in dollars with Iran fail.



2024/08/24 – 12:59 PM

A delegation from the Central Bank of Iraq is traveling to the United States of America to resume negotiations on the banking sector.

An informed source told Al-Eqtisad News that a delegation from the Central Bank of Iraq will begin negotiations with the American side on August 26 in America.

He added that the Central Bank has moved towards signing a contract with the international company Oliver Wyman to present a plan on reforming the private banking sector, within the next six months.

He pointed out that the proposed plan includes merging some banks or cancelling the licenses of some banks.

(This article just confirmed what my CBI source told me on Saturday 08/17, as I mentioned in my 8/20 Newsletter.)



Economy News – Baghdad

Today, Saturday, the Border Ports Authority announced a new statistic on the number of visitors arriving in Iraq within 18 days.

Outlets spokesman Alaa al-Din al-Qaisi said in an interview with the official media followed by (Economy News), that “the number of arrivals from 6 August 2024 until 23 August 2024 through 10 ports, namely (Safwan, Shalamjah, Al-Sheeb, Zarbatiya, Al-Manthariyah, Al-Qaim, Baghdad Airport, Najaf Airport, Haj Omran, Bashmagh), amounted to 3367449 visitors.”

“The number of departures through these ports for the above-mentioned period amounted to 2,221,070 visitors,” he said.

(I wanted to show you the magnitude of tourism going through Iraq. And this is only one of their holydays. This industry is HUGE for Iraq.$$$$$$)



Economic expert Mustafa Hantoush said today: “What the Central Bank of Iraq is doing by empowering foreign banks or foreign investors at the expense of the Iraqi banking system is a fatal blow to future opportunities to advance the Iraqi economy through the banking system.”

According to his statement to Mawazine News Agency, the expert Hantoush described the experiences” of foreign banks or foreign investors who own national banks as failed experiments, pointing out that they have caused financial disasters for many countries.

The economic expert explained: “Most countries in the world give a very specific percentage to foreign investors in the banking sector in order to preserve capital and profits as an economic cycle within the country.”



The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed, on Wednesday, that the development path will achieve a qualitative shift in the course of trade exchange between Iraq and the world.

The media office of the head of the parliamentary finance committee stated in a statement, which was reviewed by “Al-Eqtisad News”, that “the head of the parliamentary finance committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, received the Chargé d’Affaires of the German Embassy, ​​Roland Vestbe, and his accompanying delegation; to discuss ways to enhance bilateral cooperation between the two friendly countries.”

He added, “The meeting discussed political and security developments in the region and their impact on the Iraqi economy,” indicating that “the two sides stressed the need to enhance bilateral cooperation between Baghdad and Berlin at all levels and in various fields, especially in developing the energy sector and financial and banking systems, in a way that achieves sustainable development.”

Al-Atwani said – according to the statement: “Iraq looks forward to strengthening its relations with everyone on the basis of mutual respect, common interests, and non-interference in its internal affairs,” adding that “the political and security stability that Iraq is currently witnessing has made it an attractive environment for investment.”

He continued, “The entry of major international companies into Iraq is a clear indicator of stability and security, and we look forward to the participation of German companies in developing the energy sector and helping Iraq invest its wealth,” noting that “the development path will achieve a qualitative shift in the course of trade exchange between Iraq and the world as it shortens time and provides security.”

Al-Atwani pointed out that “many European countries have expressed their desire to join the development path, and Germany must have a presence in this strategic project, and the industrial and commercial projects scheduled to be established along the development path will drive the economy and provide thousands of job opportunities.”


Their words not mine…..No Rumors, No Hype, No Opinions ,,,,,

Just the FACTS!

Disclaimer: All information in this newsletter is not intended for investment decisions / purposes. Mnt Goat is not a financial analyst, planner, banker, attorney or associated in any role with giving out professional investment advice.

Auf Wiedersehen

Much love to ya all,

Mnt Goat

August 27, 2024 Edition Mnt Goat Newsletter (2024)
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